#Admin Dashboard #Bootstrap 5
Power BI Admin - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Power BI Admin - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Power BI Admin adds value to projects by providing elegant screens through list of options and features.Fully responsive, Unique layout, organized folder structure, fully customizable , clean & customizable code, easy to use install

Power BI Admin - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

It has 400 UI components, fifty widgets, five color skins, 80 plugins, and thousands of icons. So. Much. Stuff.It’s impossible to list everything that makes Power BI Admin extra special. Power BI Admin is compatible with all modern devices, web browsers, and retina screens. It is fun to use regardless of screen size. The code is also lightweight, ensuring fast loading speeds.

Admin Dashboard templates Directory  | Techbasedirectory.com Published on TopBoilerplate | topboilerplate.com