NextJs Admin Templates
Spike NextJs Admin Template - WrapPixel
Grab the Spike Nextjs admin template with app based directory structure, build your any webapp like ecommerce, analytical, School etc.
Next.js Admin Dashboard - NextAdmin
Free, open-source Next.js admin dashboard toolkit featuring 200+ UI components and templates that come with pre-built elements, components, pages, high-quality design, integrations, and much more.
Notus NextJS Free UI Kit and Admin Template | Creative Tim
Notus NextJS is a free and open-source UI Kit and Admin Template developed by Creative Tim, utilizing Tailwind CSS and Next.js. Designed to accelerate web development, it offers a modern and fully responsive interface suitable for various web projects.
NextJS Tailwind Author Page Free Tailwind CSS Author Page Template by Creative Tim
Next.js Tailwind Author Page is a beautifully designed portfolio and personal website template built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. It offers a modern, responsive, and customizable design, perfect for authors, writers, bloggers, and professionals looking to showcase their work in an elegant and professional manner.
Bubbly – CMS & Dashboard Next.js Theme [React] Premium theme
Bubbly [React] is a beautiful Next.js CMS & Dashboard Theme. Its variety of pre-made pages, components, and options will help you kickstart your project’s development. Important Note: This is a React & Next.js version; if you are looking for a Bootstrap-only theme or not familiar with React, please, check out the original Bubbly theme. …
Spike NextJs Dashboard isn’t just another admin panel—it’s a perfect fusion of functionality and aesthetics, crafted for those who value simplicity in technology.
Designed with a user-first approach, it ensures that even the most complex tasks feel intuitive and effortless.
More than just an admin template, Spike NextJs Dashboard is a trusted companion in your digital workflow. It strikes the perfect balance between powerful features and sleek design, making administrative tasks smoother and more efficient.
Whether you're a new developer or a seasoned expert, Spike NextJs redefines the way you manage data. Step into a world where admin dashboards are not just tools—but a seamless experience of efficiency and elegance.